fam 1st
mello promo |
fam1st ent.
Not every Event Promotion Team is created equal. At Mello Promo / Fam 1st Ent., we know that the best results come from having the right people with the right experience. Our Promotion team offers expertise in various aspects of entertainment, which is why each event is matched with the right professionals to help achieve the ultimate experience.
From 2019, the launch of Mello Promo-Fam1st Ent. has consistently brought the Soundclash culture to the Atlanta community with proven success of providing our patrons with an event to be remembered while keeping the diverse music cultures in Atlanta alive.

Dress Code
No strict dress code for any event, but we invite you to check out MelloFam1st Merch available for sale.
Box Office
Buy tickets at our online box office,
open seven days a week.
Free parking is available at most venues
however space is limited.
vip sections
Check our Event section for individual pricing for VIP packages.